Wednesday 6 April 2016

Ashtanga yoga-eight ways to achieve a peaceful and happy life

When a person is having full control over his physical , mental and intellectual energies then he can lead a very happy life and Yoga is the way for that to achieve this. The word Yoga is existed from Sanskrit Language which means ?Union?. It is used to merge the soul with god. Yoga is a Science where a person gets opportunity to communicate with this own body, mind and soul. It is not only a physical exercise but also awakening the human?s Inner energy or soul?s energy. It includes meditation and leading the life in a rich philosophical way and it is helpful to lead a healthy and prosperous happy life by bringing Spiritual knowledge into a social context. Yoga is useful to know about the truth of self and to connect with it.

Ashtanga Yoga, eight ways to achieve a peaceful and happy life.

? Yamas

? Niyamas

? Yogasanas

? Pranayama

? Pratyahara

? Dharana

? Dhyana and

? Samadhi


There are many different opinions and descriptions about yamas. Bhagavat Purans says that there are 12 yamas where as Parashar Smriti says only 10. But Yamas are described as only 5 in Patanjali?s Yoga Sustras and they are known as great Universial Vows or the Sarvabhauma Maha Vratas.

They are:

? Ahimsa

? Satya

? Asteya

? Brahmacharya

? Aparigraha

Ahimsa: Normal meaning for Ahimsa is Non-Voilence that is shown through actions but in yoga it not only that but also through speech and thoughts. It improves love, understanding, patience and self love.

Satya: A perfect human who is practicing Satya (Truthfulness) will expresses in speech exactly what he thinks in his mind and do according to that.

Asteya: This is the third one in the Yamas. It stops forgoing the unauthorized possession of thought, speech, and action.

Brahmacharya: Brahmacharya means behaviour.

Aparigraha: This means Non-accumulation of worldly objects.


This is the second constituents of Ashtanga Yoga. In this a person will learn how to interact with himself and with internal world. There are ten Niyamas and

Bhagavad Gita lists 11 and where as Patanjali names only five.

They are :

? Shaucha

? Santosha

? Tapa

? Swadhyaya

? Ishwar pranidhan.

Shaucha: This implies on both external and as well as internal purity.

Santosha: In this Niyama one should not greed for not he is meant for, in short he should always desire his own honest labor.

Tapa: The power or the strength that stands against thirst and hunger, cold and hear, good and bad, happy and sorrow.

Swadhyaya: This is the study of scriputal studies.

Ishwar pranidhan: Dedicating or offering actions, thoughts , and speech to the god or divine.

Practicing Yamas and Niyamas will increase knowledge about living honest with true self.


It will help us to balace and harmonize the basic structure of human body.

Features of Yogasanas:

Yogasanas basically perform five functions:

? Conative

? Cognitive

? Mental

? Intellectual and

? Spiritual

Conative: The Yogasanas are the main yogic instrument of balancing the human body and they are consist of different physical postures that are designed to give relief from tension and increases flexibility and improves the flow of vital energy. The need of asanas is to make a flow positive energy and that helps our concentration within ourselves and the mind is able to parokshya jnana the effects of our purposive actions.

Benefits of Yogasanas: Regular practice of Yogasanas has the effect of therapeutic value. In addition to the different physiological benefits they also improve positive affect of our minds and our life force energies and as well as our creative intelligence.

Regular practice makes our body fit and fine, controls the cholesterol levels, maintains proper body weight, systemizes blood pressure and developes heart performance.

Different categories of yogasanas:

? Standing Asanas

? Forward Bending Asanas

? Supine Asanas

? Inverted Asanas

? Abdominal and lumbar Asanas

? Twisting Asanas

? Back Bending Asanas and

? Balancing Asanas

Standing Asanas: Starters must start with this asanas. This will increase flexibility in joints and muscles and improve stamina and physical stability. Example for Standing Asanas are:

? Tadasana

? Utthita Trikonasana

? Virabhadrasana.

Forward Bending Asanas: In this Asanas, half of the body will be stretched. These asanas makes you prepare for remaining advanced asanas. Samples for these are :

? Upavisthakonasana

? Paschimotanasana

Supine Asanas: Sitting straight and supine positions gives support to the sadhaka to get ready physically and mentally for pranayama. Examples for these are:

? Baddhakonasana

? Supta baddhakonasana etc.,

Inverted Asanas: These asanas will give relief from day today stress. They give support to get mental balance and emotional strogness.

They are :

? Adho mukha svanasa

? Urdhva mukha svansa.

Abdominal and Lumbar Asanas: These Asanas will tone up and massage the abdominal organs and strengthens the pelvic and lumbar areas. And the examples for these asanas are

? Bharadvajasana and

? Marichyasana

Twisting Asanas: In this asanas, spinal will have latheral stretching and twisting and toning the internal organs and examples for these are:

? Ardhamatsvendrasana and

? Jathara parivartanasana

Back bending Asanas: These asanas will help in brining up the physical and mental strongness, sharpness and alertness. The asanas are:

? Ustrasana

? Bhujangasana

? Matsysana

Balancing Asanas: These asanas will strengthen the arms and wrists and will give a good exercise to the abdominal organs. They also make body light and flexible.

Such asanas are :

? Salamba sirsana

? Nirambala sarvangasana

? Salamba sarvangasana


This single word is mixture of two words they are ?prana? and ?Yama? which means maintenance of prana with a healthy life. This asanam is mostly useful for breathing and to solve that related problems. As breath and prana is basic essential for life this asanam is useful to make better living.

According to Hatha Yoga , pranayam?s are classified into :

? Sahita kumbhaka

? Surya bhedi

? Ujjayi

? Sitali

? Bhastrika

? Bhramari

? Murchha and

? Kewali

Various positions in pranayam:

? Inhalation or puraka

? Exhalation or rechaka

? Stambavritti pranavama and

? Bahyabhyantarakshepi pranavama


This is useful to manage the senses in a right way instead of closing and suppressing them.


The last three ways of ashtanga yoga are the three important stages of meditation. Dharana will helpful for developing and widening our powers and concentration.


This is a posture in meditation where mind will not get any disturbance with normal distractions.


Samadhi or in other words total absorption is the stage where sadhaka will be in a object of concentration.


This is a brief explanation about Ashtanga yoga, it is a vast area or it is like a ocean how much we dig that much of knowledge will come out. It is a precious gift given to the human being by god, we have make it use to make our life happy and joy.

Alternative prostate cancer treatment-Types of Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatments

Prostate cancer alternative treatments is defined as a group of unique approaches to cancer treatment not considered to be a conventional prostate cancer therapy, and is used in place of conventional cancer treatments. Prostate cancer is an attack of the male prostate gland by a mass of harmful cells. Prostate cancer is most common in the United States and is the third leading cause of American cancer cases. The American Cancer Society estimates that one in six men will face a prostate cancer diagnosis during their life.

Types of Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatments

Chinese Medicine is one of the alternative methods being used to treat prostate cancer. Also commonly called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this holistic prostate cancer treatment is based on ancient philosophical frameworks. Traditional Chinese Medicine devises therapy programs by searching for inequalities between internal and external harmony within patients. There are eight branches of TCM: Tui na (Massage Therapy), acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese food therapy, Qigong (Breathing), T\\'ai Chi Ch\\'uan, Feng Shui, and Chinese astrology. The eight branches of Chinese medicine, like most other prostate cancer alternative treatments, are used to alleviate the pain associated with the disease, as well as a remedy for the side effects affiliated with conventional cancer treatments.

Herbalism, or herbal medicine, is a holistic prostate cancer alternate treatment with the healing properties of plants and plant extracts at the center of the therapy. Some of the most popular components of herbal medicine include St. John\\'s Wort, lemon juice, Green Tea, Honey, Grapefruit, Black Cohash, Poultices, Juniper Berry, and Eucalyptus. Herbal therapy is especially highly regarded in Europe.

Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatments vs. Conventional Prostate Cancer Therapies

Conventional prostate cancer therapies are administered by members of the medical community, including physical therapists, psychologists, and nurses. Conventional cancer treatments are subjected to intense study to ensure their effectiveness and safety. Hormone therapy and radiation are conventional therapies for treating prostate cancer. Removing the testicles, in a surgical procedure called orchiectomy, is another traditional prostate cancer treatment. As is chemotherapy. Cancer cells are also customarily frozen as a part of a cryosurgery.

There are two common surgical procedures used to treat prostate cancer. They are the radical prostatectomy and the transurethal resection of the prostate (TURP). Radical prostatectomy surgery is generally performed once the cancer has not spread outside of the prostate gland. There are two types of radical prostatectomy procedures, the radical retropubic and the perineal approach. The transurethal resection of the prostate is performed to curtail prostate swelling.

Luteinizing hormone-releasing analogs and luteinizing hormone-releasing antagonists are prostate cancer medications designed to inhibit the release of the cancer-inducing luteinzing hormone-releasing hormone from the brain. Luteinizing altering drugs are a staple in prostate cancer conventional treatments.

Prostate cancer alternative treatments are not characterized by the same level of study or scrutiny-signifying the greatest difference between alternative prostate cancer treatments and most traditional methods of treating the disease.

Many men are opting for what is called Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) Treatments. This includes supplementation, the use of herbs, therapies, yoga, massage, etc. An alternative prostate cancer treatment available to an individual is taken on immediately in complementing existing doctors prescriptions, or entirely to make full use of, in lieu of conventional treatments.

Reasons may range from the cost standpoint of the use of alternative prostate cancer treatment, and on the hope of the wonders of such. While conventional medications are usually of conservative claims, the alternative prostate cancer treatment options are hyped-up with claims, which may be true or not, but surely they have major effects on one ?s psyche.

An alternative prostate cancer treatment as the use of dietary supplements or herbs as saw palmetto, and garlic have been used by many. The claims, especially of saw palmetto, are very popular especially in Europe. In the US, saw palmetto has started to gain a strong following and believer of its efficacy.

As an alternative prostate cancer treatment, some also take in supplementation of Vitamin D, Selenium, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and other antioxidants. The belief is to have a strong immune system to delay the progress of the cancer, if not to cure the disease.

Others may also make use of yoga and tai chi for relaxing of the mind, and to keep one from being stressed. One will be able to learn how to relax, and control emotions ? especially negative ones ? that are believed to cause hormonal effects that may be not good for one ?s system.

Individuals though should ask for their doctor's advice, before going into any alternative prostate cancer treatment. Or if one may already be in any of the alternative prostate cancer treatment options, it is best to be honest with your doctor about it. One should not hide such alternative treatment you have self-prescribed.

The risks and side effects of these alternative treatments, especially with its reaction to other medications you may be taking, can pose health issues on your end. You might just be complicating your situation and creating more health problems than you would want.

An alternative prostate cancer treatment may be convenient and may hold more promise, but do so under the guidance and supervision of your doctor. They are in the better position to evaluate your case, and analyze such alternative treatments if any should be fit for your situation. Never risk on your health, and while an alternative prostate cancer treatment may just work wonders for you, ask expert advice so that yours could be given the appropriate approach.